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 How tall is justin bieber 2014

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Post  by : newsofworldstars How tall is justin bieber 2014 I_icon_minitime 1/3/2014, 8:01 pm 

With a size that does not exceed 1 meter 70 and a weight of 67 kg Justin Bieber is considered small ... Small in size but big talent of course.
How tall is justin bieber 2014 Justin14
Yes, but it disrupts many physical detail the young budding star.
Recently, while occurring on a TV set alongside the beautiful Selena Gomez, he would have asked him to remove her heels so as not to seem too small next to her.
Categorical refusal of the main interest which, unlike others, is not ready to do everything and anything to meet a boy.
And no matter that the boy is called or not  Justin Bieber. It is even rumored that Selena Gomez asked him to take as it is.

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