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 One Direction are they headed for Bay Area Concert 2014? Along with Eminem, Metallica and McCartney

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Post  by : Alexander One Direction are they headed  for Bay Area Concert 2014? Along with  Eminem, Metallica and McCartney I_icon_minitime 1/9/2014, 9:55 pm 

One Direction: the world's top boy band announced its tour and it didn't include a Bay Area date. Along with Metallica, Eminem, McCartney and The Rolling Stones.

One Direction are they headed  for Bay Area Concert 2014? Along with  Eminem, Metallica and McCartney 20140110

This month's major highlights Artists that might be playing in Concert 2014 'Bay Area' at the SAP Center in San Jose:

19 Junarary: Justin Timberlake
One Direction are they headed  for Bay Area Concert 2014? Along with  Eminem, Metallica and McCartney Iheart10

30 Junarary: George Strait's farewell tour
One Direction are they headed  for Bay Area Concert 2014? Along with  Eminem, Metallica and McCartney R620-d10

29 and 31 Junarary: two nights with the Eagles
One Direction are they headed  for Bay Area Concert 2014? Along with  Eminem, Metallica and McCartney The-ea10

11 February: Demi Lovato
One Direction are they headed  for Bay Area Concert 2014? Along with  Eminem, Metallica and McCartney Images22

13 February: Imagine Dragons
One Direction are they headed  for Bay Area Concert 2014? Along with  Eminem, Metallica and McCartney Images20

17 February: Sting and Paul Simon
One Direction are they headed  for Bay Area Concert 2014? Along with  Eminem, Metallica and McCartney Images23

24 February: the Miley Cyrus visit "at Oracle Arena in Oakland"
25 February: the Miley Cyrus visit "this time at Sap Center"
One Direction are they headed  for Bay Area Concert 2014? Along with  Eminem, Metallica and McCartney Miley-11

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