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 Oprah Winfrey lost weight 25 pounds in just six weeks

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Post  by : Alexander Pounds - Oprah Winfrey lost weight 25 pounds in just six weeks I_icon_minitime 2/26/2014, 4:53 am 

Oprah Winfrey the 60 years old most influential woman in the world, with the highest rated Show from 1986 to 2011.
For years she fights with her weight, testing every diet from liquid protein to vegan but Oprah finally lost 25 pounds in just six weeks.
Pounds - Oprah Winfrey lost weight 25 pounds in just six weeks Rbk-op10

with A low calorie diet and Bob Greene Training Programs "Oprah has absolutely flipped for the new chef," bob said. avoiding carbohydrates like bread, potatoes and using a combination of fruits and vegetables, fish, chicken and lean meat did the trick. It's clear that she's finally succeed a weight loss that lasts.
Pounds - Oprah Winfrey lost weight 25 pounds in just six weeks Articl11

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