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 why justin bieber's mother tried to commit suicide?

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Post  by : newsofworldstars why justin bieber's mother tried to commit suicide? I_icon_minitime 1/3/2014, 7:54 pm 

why justin bieber's mother tried to commit suicide? Articl10
In 2011, Pattie Mallette, the mother of Justin Bieber released his autobiography shock Nowhere Purpose Up: The Story of Justin Bieber 's Mom in which she revealed her past child raped and ex- addict. Today , during an impromptu question and answer session on Twitter, she delivered another poignant secret: his suicide attempt .

Mood talkative, Pattie Mallette (37) has quietly installed behind his computer screen December 8, 2013 , to meet the Beliebers , curious to learn more about the life of their idol , Justin Bieber. If the mother of the singer made a few secrets about his son , as his regrets about his many tattoos , it is mainly about his personal life it is expressed. Turning a question about his youth, Pattie Mallette has released it was thrown under a truck when she was 17. A dramatic act by which she finally found faith. "When I was in the hospital for trying to kill me, God has shown an obvious way ", she has said. It was at this time that the young woman starts to pray. A spirituality that seems to have been beneficial to him after years of suffering, marked by drug use and rape repetitions from a former babysitter.

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